Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Oh no, it's faux Sabrina Doolittle again!

One of my rules is: If it looks good on Sabrina Doolittle, it' will probably look good on me
She's also got more fashion sense in her little finger than I have in my whole body.

So I went to check out Ciera Bergman's Vitamin Ci shop, which I had never visited, to find "Petal", because I thought it was nice looking. I found it in the maternity section. But non-preggers avatar moi sure looks good in it. I'm wearing X'clusive's Classical hair in Ruby, TaP2 skin, and that bag is the new Danielle release from eTC, the shoes are mules from Lassitude and Ennui.

That top really looks amazing close up, the way it wrinkles and folds. Love it.

Seen in world: yes
Review copy: no
Ciera on friends list: no

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