Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Swiss Miss the Office Vamp

I've had a sort of "Office Vamp" outfit sitting in inventory that I hadn't taken pictures of, it's not anything special, reminds me a bit of the old ICING Puma Jie..except with massive decolletage:

A friend of mine called the ensemble Tirolian, made her think of "Swiss Miss", which I thought it could be, then I realized I was wearing Swiss Dot hosiery with my "Swiss Miss" ensemble.

Yes, a cheesecake shot with the Belleza Betty Cleavage Enhancer on.  Got a sort of Christina Hendricks in RL thing going on with that cleavage.  Va va voom indeed.


Dress: AV VLODOVIC Office Dress

Hair [e] AKA ETD Details, her store is shut down...sigh.

Skin Belleza Betty Pale

Jewellery: Caroline Apollo, Kennedy Pearls

Hosiery: Mstyle Dotz tights

Shoes: G Field Eve Pumps

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